
RKR Services Company is a geologic consulting company whose primary focus is preparing prospect oriented regional studies. As an offshot to this work, RKR incorporated graphic art into its geologic information. This led to graphic art services becoming a secondary service RKR offers. The following catagories represent some of the more important offerings RKR currently has:
The thumbnail to the left or the Summer Nape link above will take you to the page that contains RKR Services informaion on its regional study entitled:

A Prospect Oriented Regional Study of the Stratigraphy, Structure, and Remaining Gas Reserves of the Silurian - Lower Atokan Reservoirs of the Arkoma Basin
The thumbnail to the left or the 'Our Services'  link above will take you to the page that contains RKR Services informaion on various consulting services RKR offers. These services include geologic consulting, graphic art, wellsite services, and core and sample evaluation.

We offer a full range of professional geologic consulting services to help maximize the value of your business investment. We have helped businesses of all kinds enhance operational efficiency and drive levels of performance, while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Our highly regarded consulting services can help you address a wide variety of business challenges. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you thrive.
