Our Team
KURT ROTTMANN - MANAGER In 1967, Mr. Rottmann started his geologic career working as a geotech and company mudlogger. In 1972, Mr. Rottmann graduated from Western State College with a bachelor of arts degree in geology. He attended advanced studies of structural geology and oceanography at the Colorado School of Mines in 1973. Mr. Rottmann came to Oklahoma in 1974 and worked as a mudlogger until 1976 at which time he started his career as a petroleum geologist. He worked for several companies primarily in the Anadarko and Arkoma Basins. In 1986, Mr. Rottmann worked for Beard Oil Company as a consultant and in 1993 became a full time employee in Beard’s waterflood department. In 1995, Mr. Rottmann served as a consultant for several operators and for the Oklahoma Geological Survey where he contributed technical papers for the Survey’s series of Fluvial Dominated Deltaic workshops. Since 2000, Mr. Rottmann has been principle author and co-convener for the survey’s workshops on waterflooding, reservoir engineering, the Hunton, the Mississippian, and the Arbuckle conferences. In 2016, Mr. Rottmann was hired as a consultant for the Survey’s earthquake study. In 2017, Mr. Rottmann received the A. I. Levorsen Memorial Award from the Midcontinent AAPG for his oral paper on the results of his earthquake research. Since 2017, Mr. Rottmann has been engaged in a detailed regional study of the stratigraphy, structure, and gas reserves analysis of reservoirs from the Silurian through the early Atokan of the Arkoma Basin.
REBA ROTTMANN - MANAGER Reba Rottmann started her career in the Petroleum Industry in 1978 working in the programming department for Eason Oil. In 1981, she worked for Amerex Oil in the Land department. She devoted her time as a housewife and mother, from 1982 until 1991 when she was hired by Beard Oil Company as a contract geotech. Her primary responsibilities were filing, plotting data, and research. In 1992, she married Kurt Rottmann and together they formed GeoComp Data Services, LLC. As a manager of GeoComp, she was responsible for office management and helped plot and input data for the regional studies GeoComp was involved in. Reba. Rottmann learned many computer programs but learning graphics programs became her primary passion. She studied constantly, learning graphic art. In 1996, she started RJR Creations as a petroleum graphic arts service. She worked for many clients, incorporating graphic art into their cross sections, maps, brochures, logos, website graphics, and three dimensional images. In 2007, Kurt and Reba started RKR Services Co., LLC as a geologic consulting firm. Currently Mrs. Rottmann is involved with combining her graphic art talents into the mapping results for RKR’s regional study of the Arkoma Basin.
STEVE HADAWAY - CONSULTANT GEOLOGIST Steve graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2004 with a Masters in Geology. He took courses from Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Jim Puckette, Ibrahim Cemen, Stan Paxton, and Surinder Sahai. He selected a theses in Structural Geology dealing with geometry of thrusting in the Pittsburg Gas Field, working with Ibrahim Cemen. Steve taught undergraduate geology lab and assisted with geophysical research using Magnetometers and Ground Penetrating Radar. Geoplus gave the OSU Geology department two computers with Petra, and Steve learned how to use Petra while at OSU The learning continues for both geology and Petra. Since graduating Steve worked for Kurt Rottman as a geologist completing projects in Osage County, the Mississippian play in Northern Oklahoma, the Cherokee Field in Northwestern Oklahoma, two Mississippian studies in north central Oklahoma, a waterflood reservoir study of the Slick Field in Creek County and is currently working with Kurt on a reservoir study of Spiro, Wapanuka, Cromwell, Jefferson, Caney, Mayes, Woodford and Hunton in the Arkoma Basin. Steve has also completed small projects delineating prospects in the St. Louis field, Northern Kansas, McClain County and Lincoln county for various oil men. Steve puts his geological and business skills to use in the family oil business by purchasing minerals, leasing, and dealing with operators, where the goal is to make money by producing oil and gas.
JEREMY HAMMONS - SALES Jeremy became involved in the oil industry in 2001. He worked with Kurt Rottmann as a geotech and was involved with digital mapping and graphic illustration. He also prepared and studied drill cuttings from operators who wished a second opinion of their samples. In 2005 Jeremy acquired a mudlogging trailer and started working as an independent mudlogger for various companies including BG Energies, Wicklund Petroleum, TAP Management, TBK Energy, Range Resources, Withrow OIl Company and many more. In 2015, along with his mudlogging duties, Jeremy started working with RKR Services Company as a geotech. He was involved with data entry, digital mapping and graphic illustration. In 2018 Jeremy became involved with RKR Services booth at NAPE's Summit event. Jeremy has been actively involved with the sales of geologic data including the sale of the Arkoma Geologic and Gas Reserve Study that RKR is currently pursuing.
JEFF AND DIANE DONATHAN - CONTRACT GEOTECH/MUDLOGGERS Jeff Donathan started working for GeoComp Data Services in 2005 as a geotech. His responsibilities were in filing, data entry, and data management. It soon became obvious that his gift was in managing computer hardware, networking and server maintenance. Diane Rainbolt joined GeoComp in 2010 and her services were geotech related. She was responsible for obtaining and annotating the numerous strip logs that GeoComp used in its regional correlations. IN 2012 Diane and Jeff worked for Hydrocarbon Fluorescent Technology which involved taking high resolution pictures of samples under white and fluorescent light. They logged over 80 wells with this service. In 2015 Diane and Jeff formed DJ's Mudlogging and are now working as independent contractors for several oil and gas companies.